Interactive Books

Technology advancements, such as social media or Kindle, are drowning the traditional book industry, but finally, we found effective ways to use QR Codes for publishing. QRI-Books stands for QR Interactive Books and using the code we add additional audio and video interviews at the end of each chapter.


The influence of the internet, social networks and the use of the media, occupies the attention of the new generation.
The traditional book, without ceasing to be traditional, must be present in an integration with new technologies. QR codes offer that connection with the reader and allows the reader to stay connected with the book.


Connect to Readers

QR codes benefit the publishing world in numerous ways. For the reader, there is the benefit of convenience of extended research on many different platforms, learning activities, and access to expanding their community of like-minded readers.


QRI-Books Benefits

  1. It is easy to design for different functions
  2. It’s simple to connect on social media.
  3. Use QR codes for interviews and videos.
  4. Provide additional informations for each chapter.
  5. It’s perfect for all ages.

It's the future

The new generation of readers were born with social media. They’re used to browsing on different platforms. These links of reinforcement are an excellent additional educational tool to keep the attention of the new generation of readers and they connection with the traditional books.

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